3D Printing & CNC Milling Inside the Classroom With the Levil Technology EDU MiLL

3D printing & CNC milling inside high school classrooms is a reality!

The EDU MiLL was specifically designed with the classroom in mind. It's simple to use, which allows students of any level to create their own projects. This is especially important for students at Treasure Coast High School who are aspiring engineers and industrial designers and want to explore ideas and concepts in 3D printing and CNC milling. The EDU MiLL gives them a chance to experiment with different materials and processes, which is an invaluable experience they don't get inside a regular classroom.

Thanks to the EDU MiLL, high school students will learn the problems that arise during experimentation so when they get to college they can focus on learning more about solving those problems. Machines like this one create opportunities for students during their high school years that would otherwise not be available without assistance from outside sources. These opportunities increase student engagement and give them a chance to apply what they're learning in the classroom in real-world situations.
