MSSC Helps Inmates Re-Enter the Workforce

MSSC’s CPT and CLT programs are currently offered in 4 federal prisons.

MSSC’s Certified Production Technician (CPT) and Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) programs are currently offered in four federal prisons. CPT and CLT are two of the programs available to inmates to help them acquire technical skills and certification.

Programs like CPT and CLT help inmates gain technical knowledge and skills as well as industry credentials to increase the likelihood of post-incarceration employment. According to the U.S. Department of Education, many offenders are ill-equipped to break the cycle of catch-and-release because they lack the education and workforce skills needed to succeed in the labor market. However, studies show that education and job skills training reduce recidivism.

“Finding any kind of employment reduces recidivism, but having a career-track job with decent prospects for pay and promotions is even more effective in helping felons stay out of prison.”

-Clint Castleberry, programs administrator, Oklahoma State Department of Corrections (6.27.12, NPR)

Due to restrictions on inmate access to the internet, MSSC has made accommodations to allow prisons to access the CPT Amatrol material offline. This program gives inmates the chance to utilize state of the art, interactive curriculum based on MSSC standards. MSSC also provides them with paper and pencil testing. Inmates are often required to pay for their own assessments.

More Resources

Getting Started with an MSSC “Pre-Release” Program (pdf)
Read full Article: MSSC Credentials Changing Lives & Saving Tax Payers Millions of Dollars (pdf)
Overview: MSSC Helps Inmates Re-enter the Workforce (pdf)
