
Amatrol is the world’s leader in skills-based, interactive technical learning. They offer a rich array of multimedia and eLearning topics. By providing schools with these learning solutions that cover applicable STEM knowledge and advanced manufacturing topics and skills they hope to solve problems and adapt to a rapidly-changing workplace. They create innovative, interactive learning solutions for industry and all levels of education to equip learners with the necessary skills to master technical systems.

These learning solutions are designed and built by employees who are experts in their field, integrating the best practices in education and training to deliver knowledge and skills for real jobs.

They continue to train tomorrow’s workforce for many diverse industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas, packaging, etc. Didactic organizations such as colleges, universities and high schools use these made-in-the-USA products to teach individuals technical and workplace skills. Real world components are used in the training equipment along with in-depth curricula to build the workforce’s next generation.

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  • Amatrol Level 1 Programmable Controllers
    The 890-PEC-B has the qualities of a real world machine with relay-controlled start/stop power station, terminal strip I/O test points, operator station, and machine automation station.
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    The model 890-PEC-B Programmable Controller Troubleshooting Learning System teaches programming and troubleshooting of programmable controllers and their use in industrial, commercial, and residential applications. The 890-PEC-B System teaches PLC troubleshooting like no other product by providing a hands-on learning station that models real world PLC-controlled machines with up to 40 faults that can be inserted into the system.

  • Amatrol Mechatronics 870 Learning System
    Whether using one station or many, Amatrol’s Mechatronics Learning System is the ultimate team project!

    Amatrol's 870 Mechatronics Learning System teaches students a broad array of job-ready skills in integrating technologies. Students work together in a team environment to make the whole process work. Seven stations make up a complete flexible manufacturing system. Each station is a small mechatronics system in itself with multiple, integrated technologies that can be used stand-alone or in various combinations, creating unlimited project capability. The Learning System is compact, enabling it to fit into almost any teaching facility.

  • Amatrol Solar Energy Learning Systems
    Students will learn how to install systems by selecting, preparing, mounting and connecting solar thermal components using copper tubing, PVC piping, and electrical wiring.
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    The 950-STF1 Solar Thermal Installation Learning System teaches students the installation and commissioning of closed loop and open loop solar thermal systems for commercial and residential applications. Students will learn how to install systems by selecting, preparing, mounting and connecting solar thermal components using copper tubing, PVC piping, and electrical wiring. Students will create and commission complete working systems, just as they would do on the job.

  • Amatrol Solar Energy Learning System
    Installing and maintaining solar thermal open-loop systems require hands-on skills and troubleshooting ability across both drainback and pressurized systems.

    The 950-STOL1 includes all components needed to develop hands-on, job ready skills: all solar specific components as well as balance of system items. The learning system contains a mobile workstation, multiple component circuit panels, a solar collector unit, fault insertion, PC-based multimedia student curriculum, and instructor’s assessment guide. An optional sun simulator is available to facilitate classes indoors when outdoor conditions do not support solar heating.

  • Amatrol's Automation Training Systems
    A vital area in advanced manufacturing, automation is the ability to control mechanized processes without needing continuous operator input, thus increasing productivity, improving quality, and reducing cost.

    Tech-Labs offers equipment and curriculum from Amatrol’s Advanced Manufacturing program. Amatrol’s industry-leading equipment and curriculum are developed in partnership with industry to deliver job-ready, industry-relevant skills. Working closely with companies like Caterpillar, Tropicana, and many others Amatrol has designed equipment for workplace success.

  • Amatrol's Electrical Training Systems
    Amatrol brings industrial realism to the classroom to teach job-relevant skills needed today.

    Amatrol has developed the most comprehensive, in-depth selection of online electrical training solutions available today, beginning with the basics of AC/DC electrical and moving on to more advanced topics like electrical machines, relay control, and fabrication; electrical motor control; and electrical wiring and power distribution. These learning systems feature world-class online curriculum, skill assessment, and real-world components for an unmatched offering of skill-building possibilities. Many of these systems also offer fault troubleshooting training through Amatrol’s FaultPro, the industry’s premier electronic fault insertion product.

  • Amatrol Fluid Power Trainers
    Fluid Power, Hydraulics & Pneumatics Training Systems

    Amatrol’s fluid power training systems are the best in the industry. Our learning programs are developed in partnership with industry and education to ensure that the skills are on target to support modern industry needs.

  • Advanced Manufacuring Mechanical Training
    Tools to teach hands-on, job-ready mechanical skills for the 21st century!

    Amatrol’s mechanical training systems are the best in the industry. The learning programs were developed in partnership with industry and education to insure that the skills are on target to support modern industry needs.

  • Learning is interactive and challenging
    Amatrol’s STEM Modules Are Interactive, Engaging, and Challenging

    Amatrol’s High School Learning Systems create the need for students to want to learn math and science – they can’t interact with the exciting technology without it. Learning is interactive and challenging, keeping them engaged and wanting to do more. The math and science so desperately needed for 80% of jobs today is a natural outcome.

  • Electrical Training Systems
    Amatrol’s Basic Electrical Machines Learning System (85-MT2) teaches electric machines commonly found in industrial, commercial, and residential applications: single phase AC motors, three-phase AC electric motors, and DC electric motors. Learners practice industry-relevant skills including operation, installation, analyzing performance, and selecting electric machines for various applications.
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    The 85-MT2 features a stunning depth and breadth of electrical machine topics within Amatrol’s world-class curriculum. This curriculum marries machine theory with hands-on, real world skill building so that learners can directly apply this knowledge to the operation and installation of electrical motors. Learners will begin by studying electrical motor basics and safety, then move on to more advanced applications such as performance analysis, torque and speed measurement, and motor configurations.
