Amatrol eLearning & Virtual Trainers

Amatrol eLearning

Amatrol’s eLearning program meets the challenge for flexible technical training by offering a wide range of technical content depth, strong interactivity for skill development, and excellent assessment and student tracking through an intuitive, easy-to-use web portal.

With access 24 x 7, Amatrol’s eLearning program creates easy access to educational opportunities for technical skill development previously restricted to the classroom. The material is self-paced, making it ideal for individual use, traditional class settings, or a blended approach. Amatrol’s proven curriculum is problem-solving oriented and teaches technical skills in a wide range of industrially-relevant technologies.

As an example, here are some of our more popular eLearning courses:

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Extending the reach of real industrial skill training outside traditional classrooms has become essential as the skilled worker shortage continues to grow.

Amatrol Virtual Trainers

Amatrol is bringing industrial realism to online learning through our new technical Virtual Trainers. Students can now get the look and feel of using real equipment via their computer. The Virtual Simulators replicate hands-on equipment in such great detail that students will feel like they are using the actual equipment.

Students perform essentially the same industry-based tasks using the virtual equipment that they would perform using equipment hardware. With strong market pressure to gain skills quickly, virtual simulators let students develop skills at the speed of business.

  • Build essential skills without access to actual equipment
  • Exist in open workspace – Not forced along predetermined steps
  • Reduce hands-on time with equipment to complete skill mastery
  • Use as stand-alone learning tools, or part of complete curriculum

As an example, here are some of our more popular eLearning courses with Virtual Trainers:

Each topical area starts with basic concepts and then leads the student into a layered learning process of increasing depth. The practical application of knowledge is central to all Amatrol learning materials. Students develop knowledge and then learn how to apply that knowledge to modern industry.


Amatrol’s eLearning has expanded to include over 250 eLearning courses in Spanish and more courses are on the way! Today’s workforce is truly a global workforce. Using eLearning which covers two of the world’s most spoken languages provides a greater opportunity to reach more people and achieve a higher rate of success. Although English is the most spoken language in the world, confusion during training can be avoided by offering courses in someone’s native language. Also, an individual’s ability to take a course in their native language may allow them to proceed through the courses more quickly, thereby reducing training costs.

Contact us today and request an eLearning demo! Take an in-depth look and see if our Spanish courses are right for your training.

Amatrol’s eLearning: Flexibility Enables Hands-On Training While Social Distancing

For many career and technical education (CTE) instructors, eLearning has allowed them to finish the spring 2020 semester without in-person contact with their students. But what will the fall 2020 semester hold? No one knows for sure, but few will be surprised if some sort of social distancing measures continue to be required or recommended.

How will instructors respond to this “new normal” situation? For CTE instructors, eLearning alone only goes so far. Hands-on skill-building remains an essential element of a quality CTE program that prepares students for real-world jobs.

But will the eLearning instructors are using accommodate hands-on training while still following social distancing protocols? That’s the question instructors must answer. The new school year will be here before you know it, and now is the time to strategize and prepare.

Fortunately, those using Amatrol’s eLearning can rest easy. The COVID-19 global pandemic has revealed to instructors and students around the world what current Amatrol customers have known for a while: Amatrol’s eLearning offers flexibility that enables instructors to keep essential hands-on skill-building as part of their educational plan while following social distancing protocols. (read article)

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