In the News

Simlog Personal Simulators used to Train Inmates
The COVID-19 outbreak created a substantial number of unfilled jobs. Two years later we are seeing a large re-entering of people into the workforce. Job sites are ready and willing to hire, but specific industries are in desperate need of qualified individuals and not just a warm body to fill a spot. Simlog’ s simulators are helping to fill the skills-gap in the construction, material handling,...

Amatrol’s Skill Boss Logistics (95-MSB3) offers material handling organizations performance-based assessments for evaluating the skill levels and competencies of future supply chain automation technicians.

TacMed Whole Body Patient Simulators

The use of EMS simulation training continues to increase and expand around the globe. This article discusses how Tactical Medical Solutions (TacMed) Simulation Technologies provide a means to elevate the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) training.
