Simlog Announces Major Upgrade to Off-Highway Truck Personal Simulator

Major Upgrade to Off-Highway Truck Personal Simulator

Significant improvements to the 3D Modeling, Driving Realism, Graphics, and Instructional Design

Simlog Inc., the pioneer and standard in affordable PC-based heavy equipment simulators for operator training in education and industry, is pleased to announce the availability of a major upgrade to the Off-Highway Truck Personal Simulator: Version 2.

The Off-Highway Truck Personal Simulator

The Off-Highway Truck Personal Simulator puts you at the controls of a modern off-highway truck at work in a typical quarry, in interaction with a simulated Wheel Loader. The virtual mine site features challenging driving scenarios, and interactive dumping and loading zones.

Version 1 is already in daily use all around the world, helping pre-screen training candidates for operator aptitude and helping prepare new operators for subsequent training behind the wheel of real off-highway trucks.

The new functionality in Version 2, developed in collaboration with key Simlog customers, features new 3D modelling and increased training value while setting a new world-wide standard for cost-effectiveness.

“Being the first company to offer PC-based simulator for training heavy equipment operators, Simlog continues to show leadership worldwide in this area” says Paul Freedman, Simlog’s Founder and President. “As today’s PCs continue to evolve and offer more and more computing and graphics power, Simlog will continue to offer more training value through its software upgrades.”

Use Three Displays

With Version 2, you can now set up three displays to look to the left, straight ahead, and to the right, to create a field of view of 180 degrees just using one off-the-shelf PC! (You can still use just one display, if space is limited.)

Increased Driving Realism

Version 2 also features significant improvements to the simulation physics to increase driving realism, including:

  • Substantial graphics refinements to the 3D modelling of the off-highway truck, the dashboard inside the cabin, and the simulated quarry
  • New “wet/slippery” driving conditions, to practice truck operations after the rain or when roads are icy (in winter)
  • New “foggy” driving conditions, to practice truck operations when visibility is reduced (with many levels of “fogginess”)

Improved Instructional Design

Version 2 also features improvements to our Instructional Design, including:

  • Four brand new Simulation Modules, including a new Simulation Module just to practice truck driving in reverse
  • New Performance Indicators associated with tire management and poor operating practices
  • New screen capture video in High Definition for each Simulation Module, to better present the task to be accomplished
  • A new e-book Instructional Companion in epub format, featuring the Instructional Videos and key elements of the User Manual to serve as stand-alone pedagogical aid

Pricing and Availability

Pricing for Simlog’s Off-Highway Truck Personal Simulator varies according to the various setup options we offer e.g. for simulator controls. Simlog customers who purchased Version 1 will be able to re-use their existing simulator controls with the new Version 2.

Version 2 of Simlog’s Off-Highway Truck Personal Simulator is available now.

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