Sculpting Meets 3D Scanning Technology

Award-winning sculptor, Jamie Lester is breaking the mold – literally and figuratively. Known for a number projects, including the Brooklyn Wall of Remembrance at MCU Park and the Jerry West statue outside the WVU Coliseum, Jamie is a veteran sculptor, boasting over 20 years of experience.

Yet even with so much under the proverbial belt, Jamie recognizes the value of tapping into today’s powerful 3D imaging solutions in the creative process. He muses, “3D scanner is a flexible tool that helps me view the world in a whole new way. It unleashes new creativity into the work that I’ve been doing the same way for a very long time.”

However, it was only when Jamie fully realized the enormous potential of 3D scanning that he finally took the plunge and bought 3D imaging scanners Artec Eva and Space Spider from Artec not to mention that it just made perfect sense in the context of sculpting.

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