1-Phase Motor Control Training System with Magnetic Starter

Explore Magnetic Motor Starter Training Using Hands-On Industrial Components
Item Number: 
DAC Worldwide Technical Trainers

DAC Worldwide’s 1-Phase Motor Control Training System with Magnetic Starter (421-000) is a motor control-related device for training in the operational principles, wiring, fault troubleshooting, and application of industrial single-phase, magnetic motor starters. The device is self-contained, allowing for individual study by a single student or a small student group. While often used independently, the training aid can be integrated with other products relating to PLCs, pilot devices, and related motor-driven mechanical systems.

A fundamental training system within a series of related motor control-focused products, this device is often used independently due to its common use in basic industrial equipment and its on-board selection of common piloting components.

The training aid includes a welded aluminum baseplate, steel support structure and enclosure, aluminum motor mounting rails, and an applicable industrial-duty single-phase, capacitor-start motor.

All wiring is accomplished through shielded banana-jack connections on the front panel face, rather than directly to individual components. Redundant safety systems are provided. Four instructor fault switches, creating common component faults are provided. Supplemental components such as a motor loading device and a piloting switch module can be added to expand the system’s wiring opportunities and capabilities.

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Colleges are challenged to offer courses whenever students are available – and frequently, wherever they are available. Students want courses that are available on campus as well as from home while also providing strong hands-on skills for the technology demands facing them. Meeting these demands is no small task.

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