Basic Precision Measurement Kit 1

Quality Assurance Skill Training
Item Number: 
Quality Assurance Skill Training

DAC Worldwide’s Basic Precision Measurement Kit 1 (803-101) covers valuable industrial quality assurance skills using precision rules, dial calipers, micrometers, and other common precision measurement tools and instruments. Learners will use locally-available precision measurement tools to practice fundamental measurement techniques and tools used in industry.

The Basic Precision Measurement Kit 1 requires the #803-001 Tool Kit.

Samples within this quality assurance training system include (all dimensions +/- .005):

  • Rectangular aluminum tooling plate, precision-machined, 4" x 6" x 3/4": Learners will use this tooling plate to measure slots, counter-bores, multiple stepped-holes, and surface offsets.
  • Rectangular stepped measuring block, precision-machined, 3" X 4" X 3/4": Learners will use this measuring block to perform over 15 individual measurements using dial calipers, rules, and outside micrometers.
  • Precision-machined cylindrical aluminum sample turning: Learners will use these cylinders to perform multiple length measurements, 6 internal and external cylindrical measurements, and multiple bore depth measurements.

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Manufacturing & Engineering

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