Amatrol’s Workplace Safety training courses explain the basic principles necessary to keep work environments as accident-free as possible. Learners will study the common causes of workplace accidents and the role of OSHA and other agencies regulating safety before moving to personal safety actions and awareness, such as Personal Protective Equipment, Hazardous Communication, Lockout / Tagout, and Accident Response.
Safety Trainers
Why is Workplace Safety Training Important?
According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, an employer-reported nonfatal injury or illness occurred at 2.8 cases per 100 workers in 2018. However, it was reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that 5,147 workers died on the job in 2017. In order to protect future workers from serious injury or death, companies have turned to Workplace Safety Training courses to keep their employees safe.
How We Can Help
We work with both educational and industrial partners to provide the training tools for their programs. Career & Technical Education and company training programs use our virtual reality and hands-on systems to allow learners to review safety concepts in a safe environment.
Hard Hat VR's Chemical Spill Cleanup simulation is ideal for future employees or supervisors who will work in or visit warehouses or factories. The primary goal of this course is to teach individuals safe work procedures for chemical spill cleanup.
The Confined Space Entry simulation is ideal for future employees or supervisors who work in or around work environments that utilize confined spaces. This course will equip learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely enter and work in confined spaces.
The primary goal of this course is to teach workers safe work procedures to be aware of and mitigate warehouse fires in a warehouse environment. The Warehouse Fire Hazard Awareness simulation is ideal for employees or supervisors who work in or around warehouse operations.
The primary goal of this course is to teach workers the correct procedures to follow in a potential bloodborne pathogen event. The Bloodborne Pathogen VR simulation is ideal for future employees or supervisors who will work in hazardous environments where a potential bloodborne pathogen event may occur.
VR Hard Hat's First Aid: CPR & AED course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and hands-on skills required to effectively administer CPR and operate an AED during cardiac emergencies.
Item Number:811-000DAC Worldwide’s Lock-Out/Tag-Out Training System (811-000) features a realistic, simulated working process environment that facilitates introductory training with hands-on activities related to the process of identifying and locking out sources of dangerous potential energy in an industrial setting.
Item Number:150-LOTO1BBayport Technical's Lockout Tagout Training System, Single Block & Bleed (150-LOTO1B), was designed to provide hands-on safety training for a wide variety of common process activities, both mechanical and electrical.
The primary goal of this course is to teach workers safe work procedures while performing work activities around electrical areas.
Every individual should be trained with hands-on skills for basic workplace safety. With our Enterprise Safety package, you get seven modules that allow learners to put safety training into practice in a safe, virtual environment. The training modules include Confined Space, LOTO, Fall Protection, AED, CPR, Fire Suppression, and Virus Vision.